About Us

About Friends Forever

Our Vision

Friends Forever Colorado, a Christian-based organization open to all, recognizes the challenges adults with intellectual & developmental disabilities face in forming lasting friendships and the powerful impact social relationships have on their health and psychosocial well-being. By fostering a community of support through weekly social gatherings, field trips, and seasonal camps at no- or low-cost to families, Friends Forever provides ample opportunity to establish friendships and a network of support for these families.

Our Mission

Friends Forever provides ample opportunity to establish friendships and a network of support for families.

Our Team

Volunteer Staff

Vicky Marshall

Vicky Marshall

Volunteer CFO

Graduating college with a degree in music, Vicky taught for 3 years before working in the Compliance & Finance departments of the National Potato Promotion Board.  In 2008 she started her own Bookkeeping firm – Nothing Fancy LLC. Husband Warren, kids Amanda, Jenifer & Justin Minnig, Jonathan & now grandbaby Kyla.

Tami Kissinger

Tami Kissinger

Program Co-Director

I would like to thank Friends Forever of Colorado for hiring me for the Director Job along with Elizabeth Roberts. I have been a Christian since I was 7 years old and have led VBS, Sunday School, and many other events at my church. I have two sons, Danny who is 25, Joey who is 23. Both participate in Friends Forever. I have had God calling me and putting on my heart to work with the IDD adult community for awhile now. I have been a leader for almost 3 years. I cannot wait to see how God Blesses me and helps me grow with working with all the people involved. I can be reached 24/7 at 720-296-3288. 

Elizabeth Roberts

Elizabeth Roberts

Program co-director

In case you don’t know me, a little bit about me is that I have been a leader now for a few years at Friends Forever and love it especially our camping trips! I am currently a Residential Program Manager for NMCS for about a year and half now. I have been at NMCS for about 8 ½ years now and have had various roles. I have two daughters Joyia and Jalena that are 18 and 21 and are my world. I also have a 5-pound little dog Bunny, who I enjoy taking on walks and exploring new places. I am originally from San Diego, California. The things I miss about San Diego are lifelong friends, the weather, the beach and of course be able to wear sandals and shorts all year long. My hobbies include reading, exploring new areas and hiking trails, listening to music, dancing, crystals, jewelry making, and crafts. 

I am extremely excited for what is to come for all of us here at Friends Forever!

If you need anything, please feel free to reach out to me via phone at 619-876-8938 or e-mail at elizabeth.roberts@nmetro.org.

Volunteer Leaders

Doug Gamble

Doug Gamble

I am Scott’ s Dad, and have been married to Linda for 32 grand and glorious years. I moved to Colorado from Minnesota in March of 1984. I have also been in jail for 31 1/2 years, oh yeah, but I work there for Jeffco. Linda and I have another son, Jon, that also works for Jeffco Sheriff’s Department and has been on Patrol for 3 years. We have attended church at both Lakewood and then Westminster (now Crossing) church of Nazarene, and now at Flatirons Community Church.

Sharon Ayre

Sharon Ayre

This has been a big year for me, as I retired from being an RN at St. Anthony’s after 41 years!! I knew that I wanted to spend time involved in a ministry that made a real difference in the lives of those it served. Friends Forever has made such a positive impact in my daughter Christie’s life. The love, fellowship and fun have added so much joy and meaning to her life. The leadership of this ministry is amazing, and I look forward to serving these wonderful people with them!




Married, 2 kids, 6 grandkids. Born in Cuba, came to the US in 1966, never been back. Older of 8 kids. Husband Ad. My other volunteer job is walking dogs at the Boulder Valley Humane Society. I love all animals but my passion is doggies. My husband and I love bike riding, hiking, snowshoeing, reading and I love exercising.